Saturday, March 14, 2009

I'm still out here...

Hi all,
It appears as though Kate is the only contributer to this special window of the world wide web....however, I assure you, I am still here and still involved in the process! Yes, I concur with Kate, we are indeed moving ahead and although school seems to be taking forever to reach completion, it is only a matter of weeks! And then Korea in like 3 1/2 months :D .... We are pumped, as you might well imagine.

As Katie has already stated, we will be posting up our packing list (which I have in my possession so it will be up to me!) and not only is this for your future benefit, but we would also appreciate any tips or ideas that you may have that we have forgotten :)




  1. Hi Jen, I can't believe we have never met! For the list, I'd suggest small Canadian flags,and pins from your province or town, usually available at city hall, for those travelling out of country. Good for tourism and your kids would love them.
