Monday, April 6, 2009

We have a JOB!

Well, it’s been awhile, but here it is:

WE HAVE A JOB! Upon discussing our options with a few friends (Justin and Joy) who are also heading over to Korea in July, we decided to switch recruitment companies. It’s not that ASKnow was doing anything wrong, it just seemed that Park English seemed to be able to give us a bit more peace of mind.

We sent in our application forms, and within a day or two they *called* us up and asked me a few questions about what we’d be interested in. Later that same night, they called saying they had a job that they wanted to recommend for us. Within a week, we had interviewed with the school, emailed a teacher a couple of times, and gotten rave reviews about the job. So, with much thought and prayer, we reviewed the contracts and I faxed my contract over last week.

Surprisingly I haven’t seen Jen in the past week (weird), so I’m not entirely sure what her status is :)

If all goes according to plan, we’re going to be living in an area known as Yongin. It’s apparently about an hour away from Seoul by bus (Seoul is the BIG city). Yongin is home to a Disneyland type resort called Everland, and a Korean Folk Village. We’ll be working at the Jookjeon LCI Kids Club. LCI is a chain of English Language schools for kids, so if you’re looking it up online make sure to note that it is the JOOKJEON version of the LCI club. Apparently, it’s also spelled Jukjeon. Either way, the references we’ve emailed have given us rave reviews of their workplace. So we’re getting pretty excited.

We’ll be working with kids in kindergarten/elementary school, so it’ll be a job requiring lots of energy. The good news is, the days start at 10am (wootwoot!) and end at 7:00pm (not bad!) – these seem like my ideal working hours. I’m pretty thrilled at the idea of being able to sleep in a bit each day. How lovely.

So, that’s our big news. We have a job! And we’re officially leaving sometime around the 15th of July. I’m sure time will fly, and we’ll be there before we know it.


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